How to Become The Highest-Paid, Highest Profile Marketing Agency or Directory Search Vendor In Your Industry Leveraging Facebook Groups in 60 days Or Less
For Digital Marketing Agency Owners, Brilliant Directory Website Owners, Sales Consultants 
and Industry Leaders
Learn my 7-point Facebook Group System to Scale Your Consulting Business Quickly to 7 Figures and beyond…
1) How to create a results-driven profitable closed Facebook Group
2) How to get thousands of new and loyal members into you group
3) Get thousands of members to engage with your content
4) Build trust between members
5) Get ongoing referrals by becoming the trusted authority in your group
6) Leverage all social media platforms to push traffic to your group and events
7) Learn how to use Facebook Messenger to generate referrals and book appointments

Whether you are just getting started or a seasoned consultant, sales professional or marketing agency owner, you know that business owners desperately need help with services specifically digital marketing.

No more cold-calling, canvassing, knocking on doors or buying leads. You just have to know how to leverage my proven Facebook group networking system to become the trusted authority in your own Facebook group. Business owners will then be seeking YOU out!

Within your network group you will attract in your ideal dream customers, develop trust, add value, and they will not be easy to approach, they will want to reach out to you first!
Why Learn This From Me?
My name is Cory Barnes and I’m the founder of two large business networking Facebook Groups.. Our Chattanooga, TN group has a 28,000+ highly engaged members and our Huntsville, AL Group has nearly 5,000!  Our Chattanooga group has done over $20,000,000 in (documented) exchanged sales in just 18 months! I have made a strong six figure income leveraging this proven system by conveniently and comfortably booking appointments from my phone! Our network member-base is three times the size of the Chamber of Commerce and we’re growing fast!

I’ve been interviewed in over six publications, dozens of web classes, and helped thousands of small business owners generate TONS of quality leads (and six-figure sales) and helped myself and other businesses increase their revenue by tens of thousands of dollars. I’ve been mentored and trained directly under by Joe Soto with Tai Lopez' SMMA learning his sales, networking and marketing skills. I am also part of Jeffrey Gitomer's private mastermind. In addition, I've been featured as a guest speaker at Joe’s Marketing Mastermind events on Facebook Group strategies. 
Over 10,000+ Facebook Group Business Owners in Just 10 months!
Inside of my 10,000 member Facebook business networking group, I’ve helped small business owners and consultants become six-figure earners in nearly all different industry types leveraging a proven “virtual” networking system inside of a closed Facebook group.

I host weekly network functions every week attracting in on average 70 people every single week. I charge thousands of dollars a month for paid sponsor tables and businesses have often seen a 5-1 return on advertising with us!
My goal here is simple… offer the best program that yields lifelong results at an affordable entry point. I have spent years studying, reaching and learning from the best sales, networkers and marketing pros in the industry and I’ve implemented what I’ve learned into this program.

The one thing that I’ve heard from consultants and marketing agency owners is the frustration of sales outreach and prospecting. Ease the rejection and increase the revenue with this proven Facebook group sales program.

It might seem hard to believe, but I promise you that it’s the truth.
I’ll Show You How To Have Consulting & Agency Clients Come To You – Instead of Having to CHASE them Cold Like Most “Average” Agencies or Sales Consultants
You’ll discover in Facebook Group Accelerator that chasing new clients is one of the frustrating things you can do—and puts you in a weaker position to make a sale. Business owners no longer look at you a an equal as there is no trust/value there.

Instead, imagine waking up in the morning creating a strategic Facebook group post and watch the HOT leads just pour in! The confidential secrets I reveal in Facebook Group Accelerator will allow you to attract clients with proven Facebook Group techniques... (that I give you).

You could easily justify the price of the program alone with just 1 or 2 high-paying clients who will gladly give you money to discover what you know. More on that in a second.
In all honesty, this is actually three courses in one. Here’s why:

1. I show everything I know about the leveraging the power of Facebook Groups to generate real, organic high quality (and paying) leads right from within your group posts. Members will be begging you to work with them as they will know, like, and trust you. I guess you can say this section of the course is certainly worth the fee I charge by itself.

2. I cover the exact steps needed to create a powerful (and profitable) group which attracts in thousands of members without spending a single dime on paid advertising!

3. I uncover EVERYTHING I know about scaling and creating a real referral-based business. I’ll teach you how to generate ongoing referrals and use Facebook Messenger to reach out to these members to set up and schedule appointments. At this point, selling is EASY as they KNOW you and want to do business with you. Simply building a large-scale Facebook Group is enough for MOST business owners to know you’re the real deal. It handles a majority of all the usual objections you might receive from a new prospect. Show the world your group and allow it to naturally pave the way to new bookings and a six-figure income!

I guarantee you’re going to have your eyes opened to entirely new, different, bigger, and more exciting opportunities. This could trigger a whole re-engineering of your current agency or consulting business…or the blueprint for transition to a new and better business.
Here’s a quick overview of the advanced agency and consulting skills, systems & methods you’ll learn inside Facebook Group Accelerator
8 Weeks, 8 BIG Modules, 40+ Lessons, Resource Guides and Handouts
 Week 1 – FB Group Fundamentals for Success
In this module we'll cover the mindset that is the basis for how you approach architecting a NEW closed Facebook Group for your niche. Whether you’re a dog groomer, realtor, or marketing agency owner, we’ll cover how to develop a secure and clearly detailed Facebook Group that you administer for results!
Dream Up Your Perfect Group Idea
First getting clear on the kind of group you will design and what you must do to establish immediate trust and authority with your group members
How To Create a Profitable FB Group
This will make or break you – I’ll show you the type of Facebook group which will create a mysterious allure of exclusivity for new members looking to join. 
Administer Your Facebook Group Effectively 
Administering a group begins with confidence, poise, and class – I will teach you the necessary skills and techniques to manage thousands of personalities to create a safe, secure and profitable group for all members.
Week 2: Grow & Scale Your Membership to 5,000 Members & Beyond!
In week two, you will learn how to leverage local business influencers to invite hundreds of new members. I’ll also teach you how to get 1,229 new members by doing a simple, yet powerful, $59 giveaway (hint: people LOVE giveaways). I’ll also show you three game-changing advanced tricks to grow by hundreds in less than 24 hours. 
How to Approach Business Influencers
Learn how to find, approach and ask business influencers to invite their powerful business associates in your group. It’s not about who YOU know, it’s about who knows YOU! 
Shoutout a business for new members
Imagine growing your group by hundreds or thousands of new members by running an advanced “Shout-out for Ads” method – who knew a simple post which took 30 seconds to make could drastically increase your member count?
How To Get 1,229 New Members With a $59 Giveaway
What if there was one hot item which people went bananas over? I’ll teach you how to find the right giveaway for your group, and then having them compete by ADDING new members into the group. Grow by thousands by buying a simple $59 item off Amazon and giving it away for free.
Week 3 – Content That Generates Money For You & Your Members!
Content is king and relevancy is queen – this is a powerful week. Imagine sharing one meme or puzzle and getting hundreds of likes, comments and shares. Keep your members coming back for more with these strategically placed posts that both entertain and inform.
Build Trust Using #TuesdayTestimonials

Generate trust and rapport between members by creating Testimonial Posts which create long lasting empowering relationships between members. Developing a safe environment for members, will open up members to share, invite and connect with you!
Giver’s Gain

Curate free FB group exclusive video trainings using Loom to add VALUE first so that asking for a sale later becomes easy peasy. 
Run a Facebook Speed Networking Event From Your Group
Promote & Run a “Virtual Facebook Speed Networking” event inside of your group which generates hundreds of comments, likes and shares which generate new leads!
Week 4 – Scale Your Group Fast by Leveraging Other Social Media Platforms
How to get hundreds of new Instagram Business Followers in Minutes
Once your Instagram page is built for your Group, I’ll show you the systematic approach to growing your IG followers quickly and efficiently. 
Leverage Meetup To Send Traffic To Your FB Group

Meetup is the “forgotten” social media network, but not anymore after I show you this powerful method to bring people to your FB group.
Use LinkedIn to Further Promote Your FB Group and Live Events
With over 575 million active members on LinkedIn, it’s a no brainer that your followers should know about your group and how to join!
Week 5 – Fund A $2-4k Marketing Budget By Running Live Networking Events
Once your group is hot and up and running, I’ll teach you step-by-step how to put on and run your very own business networking functions every single week which attracts thousands of members. I’ll also teach you how to charge $500-1000 per sponsor table which will completely fund your entire marketing budget for your business!
Lock In the Perfect Happy Hour Location

Location, location, location. It all starts with the perfect location to host your live networking functions. You’ll learn how to reach out and negotiate with restaurant owners and hotel managers deals for free food, discounted parking and free valet services!
Sell $500-1000 Sponsor Tables While You Sleep

Discover the simplest way to schedule infographic sales “one-sheets” using MailChimp to your Email List to sell business owners on table sponsorship. Do this while you sleep and wake up to NEW inquires and booked appointments for events.
Run a Facebook “Live” event inside of your networking function! 
If they can’t come to you, then come to them in their home by running a FB Live during your event to pair professionals up.
Run an Effective Paid Sponsorship Network Luncheon
Learn a simple system to pack out network luncheon events by offering discounted lunch specials and make money off luncheon sponsors!
Sell Table Sponsorships to Your FB Group Members With Ease
Selling has never been easier after I show you this simple method to sell table sponsorships to your existing Facebook members. One post which took 30 seconds of your time could end up paying your marketing budget for an entire month! (or more!)
Week 6 - How to Generate Ongoing Referrals
The other BIG week packed with lesson, you'll learn how to get your members NEW business and then how to also tap into those same clients. Including how to leverage Facebook Messengers to create three-way sales appointments, run your very own table sponsor at your own event and generate referrals within #roundtable posts. Yes, I’ll show you one potent post which will drum up TONS of new sales appointments.
Get Referrals Effortlessly From Your FB Group Members in 60 Seconds
Give value first to your members, then hop in for the fun. I’ll teach you how to creatively and strategically bridge two of your DREAM customers together into one post then tap into that relationship later ethically.
Use FB Messenger For Sales

FB Messenger is super potent for creating new leads. I’ll give you the exact template I use when I reach out to current members to book dozens of appointments effortlessly. 
Become Your Own Table Sponsor

Why miss out on all the fun?
People WANT to see what you sell, after all, you’ve been sending leads their way for a while now. Its your turn to fully and confidently promote yourself by enjoying the fruits of being a table sponsor.
Week 7 – Networking Strategies To Differentiate Yourself
In this week’s lesson you’ll discover the art of networking and how to drive new, and ongoing business through FB group referrals and at your live events.
6 Ways To Differentiate Yourself When Networking

Be unique, smile, and remember their name! After hosting hundreds of live networking functions, I’ll show you 6 quick ways to stand out and be memorable. So even if you aren’t hosting the event, people will be glad they met you. This is instrumental for further developing your business and increase your booked appointments.
How To Leave a Lasting Mark Virtually In Facebook Groups

Your virtual “presence” is just as important as your in-person presence. Show your members you’re the polished, professional that you are by leaving a positive mark in conversations inside of your Group and in FB Messenger. 
Create Facebook Referral “Power Groups” To Increase Member Sales
This is the fastest way to become the trusted leader in your group. Strategically build “Facebook Referral Groups” of 3-4 members all selling into the same dream customer. Negotiate with a local coffee-shop owner or deli owner for free products for these power groups to enjoy while networking with each other. 
Week 8 – Tools, Tools, Tools
Growing your Facebook Group to 10,000 members requires the necessary apps and tools for success. I’ll show you the exact apps and products/equipment I use which is both affordable and easy to use!
Use FB Group Insights To Learn What’s Working
Research your top 5 posts, learn what’s working, see what times of day are most popular and build an engaging and fun group!
The 5 Must-Have Apps Every FB Group Admin Needs
These low-cost apps will help you design visually appealing and engaging posts which attracts hundreds of members to interact with you. 
Equipment needed for your live events
You’ll need a PA system, mic and software to effectively run a live event which makes you look like a total professional. This gear is cheap and robust making you look like the best networker in town for next to nothing in cost!
You’ll get access to my entire content database of memes, inspirational graphics, business memes, jokes and brain teasers. You’ll also get a free bonus training on how I make $2500+ every week with an online business directory website using Brilliant Directories. Want to get free swag, try out free product tastings and food? I’ll teach you the product review method for getting dozens of business owners to send you their products to sample!
Run a $2500/week business directory website
I’ll teach you how to use the Brilliant Directory website to design your very own business directory website to set up premium tier plan and generate $2500+ every single week! 
Content is king!

Don’t let content get in the way of your success. I will provide you every single image, meme, inspirational topic/post and brain teaser which members drool over! They love this stuff. I’ll provide all of this for you as bonus.
Product Tester For Profits

I’ll show you how I received free products and services worth thousand of dollars by sampling designing a post which ethically reviews their products and you get to sample their offerings free. I received a $200 weighted blanket by doing this one trick.
So, what’s the value of this complete FB Group training?
I’ve invested countless hours and years training, consulting, teaching and testing to learn the step-by-step lessons I’m going to teach you in this program.

And I’ve distilled all the information out there into the most important lessons that will make the most impact on your business…

Right now, Facebook Groups are white-hot. More and more businesses are migrating to Groups to develop a since of “exclusivity” between members.

In fact, many are stating Groups may be the de facto space in place of Newsfeed beginning in 2020. However, there is an art and science to building a profitable Facebook Group for YOUR niche. Get in on the ground floor… many of my peers have stated I should sell this course at $5000. But you get the ENTIRE academy now for just $1997!
How To Know If This Program Is A Good Fit For you
At this point you might be asking if you’re right for FB Group Accelerator, if these methods will actually build your business. Well, the lessons, the techniques, the digital marketing tools, and the FB Group training systems inside are perfect for you if you’re in one of the 3 situations.
      1. You are a new consultant or agency owner; have low sales and you want to really scale up your business.
      2. You’ve hit a plateau or sales have flattened out and you want to shift back into high growth mode.
      3. You’re tired of the old ways of direct outreach in sales and want a more fluid, organic and fun way to make                   new sales appointments all from your FB Group.
This program is not intended for someone who hasn't yet decided they should have a consulting or agency business.
We do cover all the most important skills for launching a closed Facebook Group from targeting a niche to finding and selling clients, but the program is really designed for people who already have a business doing sales and they want to grow.
100% Risk Free 14 Day Money Back Guarantee
I do guarantee that if you take the Facebook Group processes and digital marketing insights that I’m going to teach you in Facebook Group Accelerator and then you use them in your business that you will grow your business dramatically.

You can join today and get full access to the program for 14 days and if you don't believe the materials will help you experience dramatic growth in your business from what you learn and apply, then send me an email and I’ll refund your full payment.

No questions asked.
Purchase Today & Unlock ALL BONUSES!
FB Group Accelerator, 8 Week Course - value $1997
Five Figure Business Directory Training - value $997
BONUS #1: Private FB Group & FB Live Coaching Calls - value $5000
BONUS #2: Meme-Pack including hundreds of puzzles, memes, content and hot button questions to ask for HOT engagement! - value $997
BONUS #3: Product Review Post Training to receive tons of FREE & FUN products and services! - value $997
BONUS #4: The 6-Must-Have App Training Video every FB Group Admin Should Have - value $297
TOTAL VALUE: $10,285
GET IN NOW FOR ONLY $497 (Normally $1997)
Here's What To Do Next...
Click the Get Started Today button below and you'll be directed to a secure checkout page where you can enter your payment details and enroll. After payment successfully goes through, you'll gain immediate access to ALL the training lessons and handouts, as well as the bonuses.
Get Started Today For Only $497
Launch Special, Normally $1997
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